555 PWM Circuit

As most college students would have done, this year for Christmas I asked for an oscilloscope! This is a core part of every electronics lab and can be used across practically every discipline of electrical and computer engineering. When I started working on this circuit I was originally making it to act as a basic

Pixhawk Drone

Recently I acquired a Pixhawk drone kit which includes a drone frame, battery, ESCs, motors, GPS, and an Ardupilot Pixhawk flight controller. I’ve become familiar with the Ardupilot firmware and MAVLink protocol over the past year at work and decided to get my own to play with. While this drone can do many things, I

CANBUS Communication

The Baja Buckeyes year is starting to pick up meaning it’s time to get the wiring harness for the vehicle figured out. The DAQ (Data Acquisition and Electronics) sub-team decided we want to stick to using the CANBUS protocol for communicating between sensors on the car. However, this year instead of using Arduinos we decided